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  • Making Resolutions that Matter (A Month into the New Year!)

    We're almost a month into the new year, and while the initial flurry of resolutions might have faded, the desire for positive change remains. But for those who use cannabis as medicine, resolutions shouldn't just be generic goals; they should be mindful steps towards a more fulfilling and empowered life with this plant-based therapy. Focus on the "Why" with Purpose Instead of empty promises to "be healthier" or "get organized," let's dig deeper. Why do we want to make these changes? Is it to manage chronic pain more effectively? To reduce anxiety and improve sleep? To finally pursue that creative passion we've neglected? Tying our resolutions to a deeper purpose imbues them with meaning and makes them more than just checkboxes on a list. Prioritize Self-Care: Your Body is Your Temple Think of your endocannabinoid system (ECS) as the body's manager of all the other systems.  It oversees and adjusts the other systems when they are imbalanced. When it's in harmony, you experience a symphony of well-being. But stress, poor sleep, and unhealthy habits can throw the whole thing out of control. So, this year, let's make self-care a top priority.  Remember, your body heals itself while sleeping and a well-rested, a fulfilled mind is better equipped to navigate the complexities of life with a chronic condition. Embrace the Cannabis Community: You're Not Alone We're not in this journey alone. Connecting with others who understand the unique challenges and triumphs of using cannabis as medicine can be incredibly empowering. Share your experiences, support each other through tough times, and celebrate victories together. Online forums, local patient groups, and even social media communities can provide a valuable source of connection and understanding. Strategies for Resolutions that Stick: SMARTer with Cannabis in Mind Now, let's translate these mindful intentions into actionable goals. Remember the SMART approach: Specific: Instead of "be less stressed," aim for "practice daily meditation for 10 minutes." Measurable: Track your progress in a journal or app to see how far you've come. Achievable: Start small and gradually increase the difficulty as you gain confidence. Relevant: Ensure your goals align with your deeper "why" and overall well-being. Time-bound: Set deadlines to keep yourself accountable and motivated. Break it Down: Small Steps, Big Leaps Don't be intimidated by ambitious goals. Break them down into smaller, manageable steps. Start small and build on the success. Follow-up visits with us are free.  If you are struggling to find the right product, we can help. Find Your Support System: We Rise by Lifting Others Share your resolutions with a trusted friend, family member, or healthcare professional. Having someone to check in on you, offer encouragement, and celebrate your successes can make a world of difference. Remember, your support system is there to cheer you on, not judge you. Track Your Progress: Celebrate Every Milestone Keep a journal, use a progress tracker app, or simply mark off a calendar. Seeing your progress, big or small, is a powerful motivator. Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how seemingly insignificant they may seem. Reward Yourself: Sweet Treats for Sweet Victories Remember, self-care extends beyond just physical and mental well-being. Treat yourself to something special when you reach a milestone, big or small. Enjoy a relaxing spa day, relax watching a movie with your favorite cannabis product (responsibly, of course!), or spend quality time with loved ones. Making resolutions that matter, especially when it comes to using cannabis as medicine, is about creating a sustainable path towards a more fulfilling and empowered life. By focusing on purpose, prioritizing self-care, and embracing community, we can rewrite the narrative and thrive, not just survive. So, let's ditch the generic goals and embark on a journey of mindful transformation, one intentional step at a time. Remember, this is your journey, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach. Take what resonates with you, adapt it to your unique needs, and most importantly, be kind to yourself along the way. With mindful intentions, a supportive community, and the power of cannabis as medicine, you can create a new year filled with purpose, progress, and well-deserved celebration. Schedule your personalized evaluation and receive the best experience available receiving your certification and card. We work with each of our patients to find the best product combinations, including the best strains, to provide the most relief from your symptoms, helping you Reclaim Your Life and Wellness. You will see why we are a Top Business in Ohio and how We Do Cannabis Differently.

  • The Tale of 2 Plants: Misguided Perceptions

    A History of Benefits The poppy plant and the cannabis plant have both had profound medical and social impacts throughout history. While the poppy plant has been widely accepted and celebrated for its role in producing life-saving medicines like morphine, the cannabis plant has been stigmatized and criminalized despite its potential therapeutic benefits. This disparity in perception has had far-reaching consequences, highlighting the need for a more balanced understanding of these plants and their potential benefits and risks. This highlights the double standards that have led to the overemphasis on the risks of cannabis while downplaying the dangers of opioids. Opioids: A False Narrative of Heroism The poppy plant, the source of opium and its derivatives, has been celebrated for its role in alleviating pain. Morphine, derived from opium, has become a cornerstone of pain management, revolutionizing the way we treat severe pain associated with cancer, chronic conditions, and injuries. However, the poppy plant has also yielded its share of harm. Opium and its derivatives, including heroin, have become highly addictive substances, fueling the ongoing opioid crisis that has ravaged communities worldwide The widespread availability of prescription opioids, fueled by aggressive marketing and a lack of regulatory oversight, has led to an opioid crisis of unprecedented proportions. In the United States alone, over 100,000 people died from opioid-related overdoses in 2021, a staggering statistic that underscores the perils of overreliance on these powerful medications. he Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that synthetic opioids were involved in nearly 75% of all opioid-related overdose deaths in 2021. Cannabis: A Misunderstood Plant In contrast to the poppy plant's reputation as a medical savior, cannabis has long been stigmatized and relegated to the realm of illicit substances. This negative perception stems from decades of misinformation and propaganda, fueled by racial prejudices and political agendas. Despite its checkered history, cannabis has gained increasing recognition for its potential therapeutic benefits. Scientific research has emerged suggesting the potential of cannabis in treating a wide range of medical conditions, including chronic pain, anxiety, epilepsy, and even some forms of cancer. The cannabis plant has also been used for medicinal purposes. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved several cannabis derived preparations. Cannabis (THC & CBD) has also been found to potentially alleviate anxiety, reduce nausea and vomiting, and treat migraines and seizures. There are many medicinal uses, with some we have not discovered yet. However, cannabis use also comes with risks. Long-term use has been linked to mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts among teens. Physical effects can include impaired memory and, when taken in high doses, hallucinations and delusions. Smoking cannabis can irritate the lungs and throat and may raise the risk of chronic bronchitis or lung cancer. Deaths from cannabis overdose are extremely rare. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) states that there have been no recorded deaths from a marijuana overdose A Tale of Two Perceptions: A Call for Recalibration The contrasting societal perceptions of opioids and cannabis highlight a fundamental flaw in our approach to these plants. While opioids have been embraced for their medical applications, their addictive nature has led to a devastating public health crisis. Conversely, cannabis, despite its potential therapeutic benefits, has been unfairly demonized and subjected to excessive restrictions. This disparity in perception has resulted in a double tragedy. On one hand, we have overprescribed and misused opioids, leading to a surge in addiction and overdose deaths. On the other hand, we have unnecessarily stigmatized cannabis, hindering research and limiting access to its potential therapeutic benefits. Moving forward, it is crucial to recalibrate our perceptions of these plants, acknowledging both their potential benefits and their inherent risks. We must approach both opioids and cannabis with the same level of scientific rigor and regulatory oversight, ensuring that they are used safely and responsibly. Conclusion The poppy plant and the cannabis plant have each played complex roles in human history. While opioids have provided invaluable pain relief, their misuse has led to a devastating crisis. Conversely, cannabis, despite its potential therapeutic benefits, has been unjustly stigmatized. It is time to rectify these misguided perceptions and approach these plants with a balanced understanding of their potential benefits and risks. Only then can we harness their therapeutic potential while minimizing the harm they can cause. Talk to us and see how we can help you. You will see how and why We Do Cannabis Differently. Schedule your personalized evaluation here. At Green Harvest Health, we are experienced experts in Cannabinoid Medicine, its use and can help you Reclaim Your Wellness and Life. Scheduling your comprehensive appointment can be made here. If you are interested in how we can support your organization with information about Cannabis and its impact, please contact us below. #2plants #cannabis #cannabisplant #hemp #cbd #poppy #poppyplant #opioids #opioidcrisis #medicinalplants #plantmedicine #stigma #therapeuticbenefits

  • Navigating the New Era of Legal Cannabis in Ohio: Why Medical Cannabis Will Remain Essential

    Ohio's recent legalization of recreational cannabis has sparked much excitement among residents, signaling a shift in attitudes towards cannabis use. However, amidst this wave of enthusiasm, it's crucial to remember that Ohio's medical cannabis program continues to offer unique benefits and protections for those who qualify. If we take a look at other states who have legalized recreational cannabis, we can compare how Ohio’s program will look. A Quick Overview of the Recreational Cannabis Bill Ohio's Issue 2, the Cannabis Legalization Initiative, was recently passed, legalizing and regulating the cultivation, possession, sale, purchase, and use of recreational cannabis for adults aged 21 and above. The law allows adults to possess up to 2.5 ounces of cannabis and grow up to six plants at home. A 10% tax will be imposed on purchases, which will go towards administrative costs, addiction treatment, municipalities with dispensaries, and social equity and jobs programs. The Waiting Period for Recreational Dispensaries While the legalization of recreational cannabis is a significant step forward, it's important to note that the opening of recreational dispensaries is still about a year away. This means that for the time being, medical cannabis dispensaries will continue to be the primary source of cannabis for Ohio residents. This delay in the opening of recreational dispensaries further underscores the value of maintaining a medical cannabis card. Larger Selection Ohio's medical cannabis dispensaries will boast a far wider selection of products compared to their recreational counterparts including higher THC levels and a wider variety of strains. This diversity caters to the specific needs of patients, allowing them to choose the form and dosage that best suits their medical conditions and preferences. Whether it's tinctures, edibles, topicals, or vaporized products, medical cannabis dispensaries provide a comprehensive range of options to address a variety of ailments. Lower Prices Another compelling reason to maintain a medical cannabis card lies in the price differential. Medical cannabis patients often enjoy lower prices compared to recreational consumers. This is due, in part, to the absence of the significant excise tax imposed on recreational cannabis sales. The total tax applied, which can reach up to 20%, can inflate the cost of recreational products, making medical cannabis a more affordable option for those relying on its therapeutic benefits. Employer Requirements Some employers in Ohio require employees who use cannabis to have a medical cannabis card. Medical cannabis cardholders also benefit from employment protections under Ohio law. While recreational cannabis use remains illegal in the workplace, individuals with medical cannabis cards are protected from discrimination based on their medical conditions. This safeguard ensures that patients can access their prescribed medication without fear of workplace repercussions. Conclusion While the legalization of recreational cannabis in Ohio is a significant milestone, it does not diminish the value of a medical cannabis card. The card offers numerous benefits, including access to a larger selection of products, lower prices due to tax exemptions, and compliance with certain employer requirements. Therefore, Ohio residents who use cannabis for medical purposes should still consider obtaining a medical cannabis card. While it may seem like a hassle, the benefits can outweigh the costs for many people. Furthermore, with the delay in the opening of recreational dispensaries, a medical cannabis card ensures continued access to cannabis for those who need it. As Ohio navigates this new era of legal cannabis, it's crucial to recognize that medical cannabis cards continue to offer unique advantages and protections for those who qualify. By understanding these benefits, Ohioans can make informed decisions that align with their individual needs and preferences. At Green Harvest Health, we are experienced experts in cannabis use and can help you Reclaim Your Wellness and Life. Scheduling your comprehensive appointment can be made here.

  • Exploring the Benefits of Medical Cannabis for Breast Cancer Patients

    October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast Cancer is a challenging journey that millions of individuals face every year. While traditional treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy remain essential in managing this disease, there is growing interest in the potential benefits of medical cannabis for breast cancer patients. In this blog, we will delve into how medical cannabis may provide relief and support to individuals battling breast cancer. 1. Pain Management: One of the most common challenges faced by breast cancer patients is the excruciating pain that can accompany the disease and its treatments. Medical cannabis, with its well-documented analgesic properties, has shown promise in alleviating pain and improving overall comfort. The cannabinoids in cannabis, such as THC and CBD, interact with the body's endocannabinoid system to reduce pain signals, making it a viable option for managing the discomfort associated with breast cancer. 2. Nausea and Vomiting: Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting can be debilitating side effects of breast cancer treatment. Medical cannabis can help mitigate these symptoms, as it has antiemetic properties. Patients have reported a reduction in nausea and an improved ability to keep food down when incorporating cannabis into their treatment plans. 3. Appetite Stimulation: Maintaining a healthy weight and getting proper nutrition is essential during cancer treatment. Some breast cancer patients experience a loss of appetite, which can lead to malnutrition and weakness. Medical cannabis has been known to stimulate appetite, often referred to colloquially as the "munchies." This effect can help patients maintain their nutritional intake and strengthen their bodies as they battle cancer. 4. Anxiety and Depression: A breast cancer diagnosis can bring about significant emotional distress. Medical cannabis, particularly strains with high CBD content, has demonstrated potential in reducing anxiety and depression symptoms. It can promote relaxation and improve overall mood, offering emotional support during this challenging time. 5. Sleep Disturbances: Sleep disruptions are common among breast cancer patients, often caused by pain, anxiety, or the side effects of treatment. Medical cannabis can help promote better sleep patterns, allowing patients to rest more comfortably and recover more effectively. 6. Potential Anti-Tumor Properties: While research in this area is ongoing, some preclinical studies suggest that certain compounds in cannabis, like cannabinoids and terpenes, may possess anti-tumor properties. These findings have generated interest in the potential role of medical cannabis in slowing the growth of cancer cells. However, more research is needed to understand the full extent of these effects. Medical cannabis offers a range of potential benefits for breast cancer patients, including pain management, relief from nausea and vomiting, appetite stimulation, mood improvement, and better sleep. While it is not a cure for breast cancer, it can be a valuable complementary therapy that enhances the quality of life for those facing this challenging disease. As medical cannabis physicians, we work closely with patients to develop personalized treatment plans that consider their unique medical history, current treatment regimen, and individual needs. With further research and ongoing discussions between healthcare professionals, we can continue to explore the potential benefits of medical cannabis in the comprehensive care of breast cancer patients. Schedule your personalized evaluation in-person or virtually here and receive the best experience available receiving your certification and card. We work with each of our patients to find the best product combinations, including the best strains, to provide the most relief from your symptoms, helping you Reclaim Your Life and Wellness. You will see why we are a Top Business in Ohio and how We Do Cannabis Differently.

  • From "Shell-Shock" to Healing: Using Medical Cannabis to help PTSD Patients

    Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can develop after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. It is estimated that approximately 7-8% of the US population will experience PTSD at some point in their lives. Here are some common causes of PTSD: Combat exposure Sexual or physical assault Childhood abuse or neglect Natural disasters Serious accidents or intensely traumatic events Most people who go through traumatic events may have temporary difficulties, upsetting memories, feel on edge, or have trouble sleeping. With time and good self-care, they usually get better. If symptoms last more than a few months, it may be PTSD. PTSD is not just one symptom. PTSD is a cluster of symptoms including flashbacks to the traumatic event(s), depression, and sleep problems–falling and/or staying asleep. Anxiety can play a very significant role in PTSD, where worsening of anxiety can lead to worsening of the other associated symptoms. Beyond these symptoms there can still be additional symptoms also associated. There are several treatments available for PTSD, including therapy, medication, and alternative therapies. Here are some common treatments: 1. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) - This type of therapy helps individuals identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to their PTSD symptoms. 2. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) - This therapy involves recalling traumatic memories while engaging in specific eye movements or other types of bilateral stimulation. 3. Medication - Antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications may be prescribed to help alleviate symptoms of PTSD. 4. Alternative therapies - Some individuals may find relief from PTSD symptoms through alternative therapies like yoga, meditation, and acupuncture. While these treatments can be effective, many find that combining treatments provides the best relief of symptoms. Medical cannabis can be used. Medical cannabis has been shown to help relieve symptoms of PTSD. Here are some ways that it can help with PTSD: 1. Reducing anxiety: Cannabis may help reduce anxiety, which is a common symptom of PTSD. Some strains of cannabis, in particular strains that are high in CBD and low in THC, which can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. More importantly, Full Spectrum CBD products, used daily, can help prevent anxiety symptoms while products with higher THC content can be used to help patients during acute attacks of anxiety or panic. If using inhaled products, those with limonene/myrcene profiles can be great during the day while a myrcene/limonene profile can be best at night. 2. Improving sleep: Many people with PTSD struggle with sleep disturbances, including nightmares. Cannabis can help improve sleep quality and reduce the frequency of nightmares. 3. Alleviating symptoms: Cannabis may help alleviate other symptoms of PTSD, such as depression, irritability, and flashbacks. Grand Daddy Purple is a strain that is often recommended for patients with depression and PTSD. Medical cannabis is an approved treatment for PTSD. However, it's important to discuss the use of medical cannabis with a healthcare provider to determine if it's right for you and to ensure safe and responsible use. Schedule your personalized evaluation in-person or virtually here and receive the best experience available receiving your certification and card. We work with each of our patients to find the best product combinations, including the best strains, to provide the most relief from your symptoms, helping you Reclaim Your Life and Wellness. You will see why we are a Top Business in Ohio and how We Do Cannabis Differently. If you are looking for CBD products, please visit the #1 Doctor Recommended Brand, Green Harvest Health Medicinals.

  • Turning Over a New Leaf: Reevaluating Cannabis Scheduling in America

    Cannabis is currently classified as a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), which means that it is considered to have "no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse." Other drugs in this class include heroin and LSD. This classification has made it difficult for scientis ts to study the potential medical benefits of cannabis, and it has also made it illegal at the federal level, even in states where it has been legalized for medical or recreational use. Rescheduling cannabis would mean changing its classification under the CSA to a different schedule, which would have significant legal and practical implications. Here's what you need to know about rescheduling cannabis The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has recently recommended that cannabis be reclassified from a Schedule I drug to a Schedule III drug. Schedule III drugs have a “moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence.” They include common medications like testosterone and Tylenol with Codeine. This reclassification could have significant implications for the cannabis industry, including: Medical acceptance: Reclassifying cannabis to Schedule III could lead to wider acceptance of the drug as a medical treatment and a path to federal legalization. It would make it easier for scientists to study the potential medical benefits of the drug, which could lead to new treatments and therapies. Increased regulation of the industry, improving safety and quality standards. Industry boost: The cannabis industry could see a boost in revenue if the drug is reclassified, as it would be easier for businesses to operate legally and access financial services. Cannabis businesses would have access to financial services, such as loans and banking. Easier taxation: If cannabis is reclassified as a Schedule III drug, it would be subject to a lower tax rate, which could benefit cannabis businesses. Improved legal status: Reclassifying cannabis could improve the legal status of the drug, making it easier for businesses to operate legally and for patients to access medical cannabis. While the HHS recommendation is a positive step for the cannabis industry, it is important to note that the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has the final say on drug scheduling. It remains to be seen whether the DEA will follow the HHS recommendation and reclassify cannabis to Schedule III. This rescheduling push may occur as we come into an election year. Our highly knowledgeable and skilled doctors possess extensive expertise in cannabis and CBD education and are adept at delivering informative presentations on all aspects of the industries to various audiences. If you are interested in an engaging and informative presentation, please contact us here. .

  • Are you Chasing Your Symptoms or Preventing Your Problems?

    Using cannabinoids as preventative medicine Medical cannabis has demonstrated its potential to provide relief to patients battling a wide range of medical problems. However, a significant number of medical cannabis patients are not utilizing its benefits effectively. While some relief is experienced, there is much more that can be gained from this powerful plant. Whether you are new to cannabis or have extensive experience, finding the most effective relief requires a shift in approach. The cannabis plant evolved to contain hundreds of compounds, each working in harmony to produce the most effective results. Understanding this synergy can help patients identify the products that work best for them. To maximize benefits, patients should seek products that mirror the natural plant and contain as many of these compounds as possible. Among the many compounds, THC and CBD stand out as the most crucial ones. They complement each other and work alongside the other compounds to provide the greatest benefits of cannabis. “I’ll have a Chef Salad. Hold the, tomatoes, cucumbers, cheese, croutons, onions, peppers, salad dressing and I’ll just have the lettuce.” Unfortunately, many medical cannabis patients tend to focus solely on THC's effects and overlook the potential of CBD and other compounds. This is partly due to the prevailing strategy of recommending products that contain only the "special" compound, THC. It's akin to wanting a salad but only receiving lettuce or ordering a cheeseburger and only eating the special sauce. To unlock the full potential of cannabis, one must embrace products that incorporate as many cannabinoids as possible – like having all the ingredients that make a salad or cheeseburger so flavorful. Consistency is also key to experiencing the most relief from medical conditions. Just as blood pressure medications are taken daily to prevent high blood pressure, cannabis and cannabinoid medications can be used regularly to prevent problems and maintain consistent comfort throughout the day. By being proactive with their medical conditions, patients can effectively manage their conditions and help prevent symptoms. Take chronic pain and PTSD, for example. CBD, one of the primary compounds in cannabis and hemp plants, has shown significant promise in reducing inflammation and associated pain, as well as alleviating anxiety symptoms, a critical component of PTSD. Full Spectrum CBD products, which contain numerous compounds found in the plant, offer the most comprehensive benefits. These products provide incredible anti-inflammatory effects, improved mental health, particularly reduced anxiety symptoms, and because of their low THC content (less than 0.3%), they do not cause psychoactivity, allowing patients to function normally. While THC works excellently in the evening or night to help patients relax and sleep. Starting your cannabis treatment with a morning dose of 25mg of Full Spectrum CBD can be an excellent point of entry. Gradually increasing the dosage as needed after 10-14 days helps maintain a steady level of CBD in the body. Additionally, CBD can be taken every 6-8 hours as needed for better symptom management. High THC products can still be used during the day if the situation permits. For evening and nighttime use, higher THC products from dispensaries can continue to be utilized, as they are often best suited for promoting sleep. When seeking high-quality CBD products, reputable websites and stores are the best places to explore. While dispensaries offer many exceptional products, they typically do not carry Full Spectrum CBD products. Green Harvest Health Medicinals stands as the #1 Doctor Recommended CBD brand, offering premium CBD products that can be conveniently purchased and shipped directly to you. In conclusion, medical cannabis has the potential to unlock a world of relief for patients facing various medical challenges. By embracing the power of Full Spectrum CBD and incorporating consistency into your treatment, you can reclaim your wellness and experience the full range of benefits that medical cannabis has to offer.

  • Optimizing Medical Cannabis with Tinctures

    We hear many patients complain they don’t like edibles because they “don’t feel in control” or that edibles are “unpredictable.” Patients will express that they can take the same amount of an edible and on one day the response is great the next it is not enough and a third day it is too much. Or that one day it takes 30 mins to feel the effect and another day it takes 2 hours. The misconception is that the edible somehow has more medicine in one part and less in another. Meaning it is not uniform. This probably is not the case. The real reason for the inconsistency is that there are many steps involved from the time the edible is placed in your mouth until the time it enters your bloodstream. Any change in any of the steps of chewing, swallowing, digesting, and metabolizing the edible will influence its consistency and predictability. A way to get around this is to use tinctures. Below we tell you how and why tinctures may be one of your most reliable and best forms of medical cannabis. Tinctures are oil based medications that are taken sublingually. Here are some key takeaways about sublingual administration of tinctures: Sublingual Administration Tinctures are administered under your tongue to be absorbed through the tissues and small blood vessels in this area before directly passing into the bloodstream. Tinctures start to work faster than edibles or oral medications like capsules. This is because they don’t have to pass through your gastrointestinal tract which means they aren't metabolized through the liver. There are fewer steps for the medication to take effect. The effect of tinctures is very consistent—when they start to work and the effect produced. The length of action of a tincture ranges from 4-6 hours vs 4-8 hours for edibles and oral medications like capsules. Tinctures can be ideal for people who have trouble chewing, swallowing or problems with digestion such as after certain intestinal surgeries or medical conditions. They can also be a great route for patients with liver disease or liver damage. Tinctures can be placed in a liquid or solid food product. This converts the tincture into an edible. Many drugs, including medical cannabis tinctures, are more potent taken sublingually. About twice as much cannabinoids get to the bloodstream if taken as tincture compared to an edible or capsule. If you don’t like tinctures, but do like edibles, a tip we often discuss is not swallowing an edible immediately. By keeping it in your mouth longer you will partially convert the edible into a sublingual. Tinctures are a great way to use your medical cannabis. It provides a very consistent delivery and effect. Tinctures do work faster as they enter your system faster than edibles. You will find tinctures to be an incredible way to optimize your medical cannabis. If you have more questions about your medical cannabis and how it can help you, please schedule a product consultation here. If you are a current patient of Green Harvest Health, this service is free! You will see why we are a Top Business in Ohio and how We Do Cannabis Differently.

  • High Hopes for Chronic Pain Relief Using Medical Cannabis

    Chronic pain is a debilitating condition that affects millions of people around the world. Traditional pain medications like opioids can be effective, but they also come with a high risk of addiction and other negative side effects. Medical cannabis has shown promise as a safe and effective alternative for managing chronic pain symptoms. Medical cannabis contains compounds called cannabinoids, which interact with the body's endocannabinoid system to produce a range of therapeutic effects. Reduce inflammation: Cannabis contains compounds called cannabinoids that can help reduce inflammation, which can contribute to pain relief. Alleviate neuropathic pain: Neuropathic pain is caused by damage to the nerves, and is often resistant to traditional pain medications. Cannabis has been shown to be effective in treating neuropathic pain. Reduce muscle spasms: Muscle spasms can be painful and debilitating, especially for those with conditions such as multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injuries. Cannabis has been shown to be effective in reducing muscle spasms. Provide an alternative to opioids: Opioids are commonly used to treat chronic pain, but they come with a high risk of addiction and overdose. Cannabis can offer a safer alternative for pain relief. Improve sleep: Chronic pain can disrupt sleep patterns, which can make pain worse. Cannabis can help improve sleep quality, which can lead to better pain management. Reduce anxiety and depression: Chronic pain can be stressful and contribute to feelings of anxiety and depression. Cannabis can help reduce these symptoms and improve overall well-being. Provide a personalized treatment option: The strain, dosage, and method of consumption can be tailored to the individual, providing a customized treatment plan for pain management. Reduce opioid use: Studies have shown that states with medical cannabis laws have lower rates of opioid use and overdose deaths. Overall, medical cannabis can offer a safe and effective treatment option for those with chronic pain. However, it's important to discuss the use of medical cannabis with a healthcare provider to determine if it's right for you and to ensure safe and responsible use. Schedule your personalized and comprehensive evaluation with us in-person or virtually. You will receive a detailed treatment plan, with the best products to help you find relief and Reclaim Your Life and Wellness. You will see why we are a Top Business in Ohio and how We Do Cannabis Differently.

  • Unveiling the Potential: How Medical Cannabis Can Aid Alzheimer's Patients

    Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by memory loss, cognitive decline, and behavioral changes. While there is no cure for Alzheimer's, emerging research suggests that medical cannabis may hold promise in alleviating certain symptoms and improving the quality of life for patients. Alzheimer's primarily affects the brain, leading to the accumulation of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, which disrupt the normal functioning of neurons. This damage results in memory loss, cognitive impairment, and changes in mood and behavior. The Potential of Medical Cannabis: Medical cannabis contains numerous compounds known as cannabinoids, the most well-known being tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). These cannabinoids interact with the endocannabinoid system in our bodies, which plays a crucial role in regulating various physiological functions, including mood, memory, and inflammation. 1. Neuroprotective Properties: Cannabinoids found in medical cannabis have demonstrated neuroprotective properties in preclinical studies. They may help reduce neuroinflammation, oxidative stress, and the buildup of harmful proteins in the brain, all of which contribute to the progression of Alzheimer's disease. By protecting neurons from damage and promoting their survival, medical cannabis shows promise as a potential therapeutic option. 2. Memory Improvement: Memory loss is one of the hallmark symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. THC, the psychoactive compound in cannabis, has been found to enhance memory consolidation, potentially aiding individuals with Alzheimer's in forming new memories. Additionally, CBD, a non-psychoactive compound, has shown potential in reducing memory impairment and improving cognitive function. 3. Management of Behavioral Symptoms: Alzheimer's patients often experience behavioral symptoms such as agitation, aggression, and sleep disturbances. Medical cannabis, particularly CBD-dominant strains, may help manage these symptoms. CBD has anxiolytic and calming properties, which can potentially alleviate anxiety and agitation in patients, leading to improved behavioral outcomes. 4. Appetite Stimulation and Weight Management: Alzheimer's patients may face challenges related to appetite loss and weight management. Medical cannabis has long been recognized for its ability to stimulate appetite. THC, specifically, has been shown to increase food intake and reduce weight loss in individuals with dementia, potentially addressing these concerns in Alzheimer's patients. 5. Improvement in Sleep Patterns: Sleep disturbances are common among Alzheimer's patients, causing further distress for both patients and their caregivers. Medical cannabis has been reported to improve sleep patterns in various conditions, including neurodegenerative disorders. THC, in particular, has shown promise in increasing total sleep time and reducing sleep latency. By promoting better sleep, medical cannabis may contribute to the overall well-being and cognitive function of Alzheimer's patients. 6. Reduction of Pain and Inflammation: Alzheimer's patients may experience pain and inflammation, often resulting from muscle stiffness, joint problems, or other related complications. Medical cannabis, particularly CBD, has been studied for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. It may help reduce pain perception and alleviate inflammation, thereby enhancing the comfort and quality of life for patients. 7. Support for Caregivers: Caring for an individual with Alzheimer's disease can be emotionally and physically demanding. Medical cannabis can also benefit caregivers by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. By promoting relaxation and improving overall well-being, caregivers can better cope with the challenges associated with caregiving. Conclusion: While further research is still needed to fully understand the potential benefits and optimal usage of medical cannabis in Alzheimer's treatment, early studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that it may hold promise in managing symptoms and improving the quality of life for patients. However, it is essential to approach medical cannabis as a complementary therapy and work closely with healthcare professionals to ensure its safe and appropriate use. Schedule your personalized and comprehensive evaluation with us in-person or virtually. You will receive a detailed treatment plan, with the best products to help you find relief and Reclaim Your Life and Wellness. You will see why we are a Top Business in Ohio and how We Do Cannabis Differently.

  • The Potential of Medical Cannabis in Managing IBD and IBS Symptoms

    Recently Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) was added to the list of medical conditions approved for medical cannabis use in Ohio. IBS joins the list with other challenging and chronic gastrointestinal conditions like Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Although patients suffering with IBD and IBS may have similar symptoms, they are distinct from each other in their causes and treatments. The conventional treatments for both may not always provide the relief desired. Increasingly patients are interested in how medical cannabis can help. We can show you how at Green Harvest Health. In recent years, medical cannabis has emerged as a potential option for managing symptoms associated with these conditions. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is a term describing 2 chronic inflammatory conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). Because both are inflammatory in nature, symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss, fatigue and reduced quality of life. Genetic, environmental triggers, and immune system factors play a role in their development. Current treatments for IBD often involve anti-inflammatory drugs, immunosuppressants, lifestyle modifications and at times surgery. With these treatments, satisfactory relief of symptoms may not be accomplished for all patients. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) differs as it is classified as a functional gastrointestinal disorder, It doesn't involve inflammation or damage to the digestive tract, but rather irregularities in how the gut functions. Symptoms include abdominal pain, bloating, and changes in bowel habits (constipation or diarrhea). Its cause also is not clear but is often related to stress, diet, and possibly a gut-brain axis dysfunction. IBS is commonly associated with other conditions like Fibromyalgia. Conventional treatments often focus on symptom relief rather than addressing the unknown underlying causes. Medical cannabis contains 100’s of active compounds. The two most well-known cannabinoids are delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). These 2 cannabinoids as well as others influence the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays a vital role in regulating all of our physiologic systems, including the gastrointestinal system. The ECS helps maintain gut balance and influences factors like inflammation, pain, and gut motility. Research suggests that medical cannabis may offer relief for some IBD and IBS patients. Because cannabinoids, and in particular CBD are significant anti-inflammatories, they could potentially help reduce gut inflammation, the etiology of symptoms in IBD. The improvement in inflammation leads to fewer symptoms of gut dysmotility and diarrhea. Moreover, because CBD may also help alleviate anxiety associated with increased IBS symptoms, patients can see improvement in their irregular bowel movements. Medical cannabis through inflammation reduction as well as overall symptom reduction may help alleviate pain, a common and distressing symptom in both IBD and IBS. Schedule your personalized and comprehensive evaluation with us in-person or virtually. You will receive a detailed treatment plan, with the best products to help you find relief and Reclaim Your Life and Wellness. You will see why we are a Top Business in Ohio and how We Do Cannabis Differently.

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